June 3, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

We went to the animal fair...

...the birds...

...and the beasts were there.

Isa named this one Dumbo.

Hullo, Zeeba neighba!

Dumbo walking away.

Amazement was everywhere to be found this day!

Isa's favorite pose.

Isa rides a rhino!

Watta face!

Sitting on top of the world!

There's something down there, grandpa!

Could that be a Democrat bird? It had it's head in the sand!

Love my cat!

Isa's MM impression from "The Seven Year Itch!"

And again the Marilyn bit!

You talkin' to me?

That's the one I saw!

Down we go!


Rise said...

That was SO much fun!

Josh said...

yes it was. my favorite were the monkeys that looked like uncle quentin.

Bennie said...

I'm now at http://www.palestink.blogger.com

Bennie said...

Actually, it's


Shalene said...

Osa is not lacking in love and nurture. That is wonerdful to see!