March 28, 2007

Be Honest...What's Really Important?

I'm taking the gloves off. I'm not even going to try to get along politically with Democrats anymore. Not those in leadership and not those with their heads up their own butts who keep the others in leadership. Not those who are "Only Democrats because they work for the state." Not those I work with and not those who I run into on the street. This is it. No more Mister Niceguy. (Except to my kids. They're cute acting all liberally. I'll always like them.)

Let me tell you what set me off.

That pickled brain adulterer and murderer from Boston (you know the one, the senior senator) said today that the recent firings of federal prosecutors would be the "key to the '08 presidential race."

Surely to goodness the American people are not that stupid! Do we really care that some federal prosecutors got fired? Heck, fire them all for all I care. Clinton did.

The firing of federal prosecutors shouldn't even be an issue. Neither should jobs. Or the environment. Nor the non-existent issues such as global warming and universal healthcare. Not even the economy.

What's important to real people? Getting their butts blown off by some Moslem fanatic! Being in the next airplane that flies into one of our buildings. Having a car explode in our town square.

The key to the '08 election is security. Where do we fight these godless Moslems? In the Arabian desert or in our own towns and cities?

I am just sick and tired of Democrats and reporters trying to make up issues. It's the war, stupid! Nothing else really matters.


Rise said...

Rough day at work yesterday?

Chris Harris said...

yeah, Clinton fired 90 some prosecutors including the lead investigator on the white water thing. you don't hear anything about that. sean hannity said something to the effect of, the democrats hate Bush so bad, that no matter what he does, they will oppose it. it's frustrating because nothing seems to be getting done. congress just keeps focusing on minute things just to spite Bush. and now they're trying to cut funds to the soldiers. opposing the war is one thing, opposing the troops in just intolerable. these guys need a new game plan.